Spaniards in the SCA

This is the companion website to the "Spaniards in the SCA" discussion list. The site promotes the development of a worldwide Spanish/Iberian/Andalusian persona community in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

My Photo
Location: Albuquerque, NM, United States

I'm a (near) Native New Mexico with an ancestry that goes back to the earliest Spanish colonists and Native Americans from this area. I thoroughly enjoy history and genealogy, and I am a social studies teacher in Albuquerque!

31 May 2007

The Spanish "lisp": because of the king?

The story is that certain Spanish speaking people "lisp" their "z"s because a Spanish king had a lisp. Not so, says Gerald Erichsen in this article on


28 May 2007

El Cid's sword


Has El Cid's sword been found? Or has a collector be dupped? You decide: read this link for a story about this sword.

This link was posted on the Spaniard in the SCA discussion list.
