Spaniards in the SCA

This is the companion website to the "Spaniards in the SCA" discussion list. The site promotes the development of a worldwide Spanish/Iberian/Andalusian persona community in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

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Location: Albuquerque, NM, United States

I'm a (near) Native New Mexico with an ancestry that goes back to the earliest Spanish colonists and Native Americans from this area. I thoroughly enjoy history and genealogy, and I am a social studies teacher in Albuquerque!

07 April 2006

Exploring 13th Century Sephardic Jewish personas: Nahmanides

You can create your SCA persona by studying period role models. Therefore, I will begin offering links to historical biographies. I suggest that you do further research if you are interested in the subject.

In the 13th century there was a remarkable Sephardic Jewish rabbi by the name of Nahmanides. As a rabbi he was a learned man. He studied the Torah and the Talmud extensively and wrote many books on these subjects. However, what made him remarkable was the fact that he was allowed to freely argue against a Christian scholar about the nature of the Messiah and Christianity.

His story gives us a look at Sephardic Judaism in Spanish Christian kingdoms. For more information, please click on the following sites:

1. Wikipedia




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