Spaniards in the SCA

This is the companion website to the "Spaniards in the SCA" discussion list. The site promotes the development of a worldwide Spanish/Iberian/Andalusian persona community in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. This is not an official site of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

My Photo
Location: Albuquerque, NM, United States

I'm a (near) Native New Mexico with an ancestry that goes back to the earliest Spanish colonists and Native Americans from this area. I thoroughly enjoy history and genealogy, and I am a social studies teacher in Albuquerque!

14 October 2007

Medieval Spain

Below are links to a couple of short articles about Medieval Spain that I found on the Medieval History blog

* Medieval Spain: Al-Andulus, From The Visigoths to al-Mansur (711-1000)

* Medieval Spain: Reconquista, From the Taifa Kingdoms to Isabella and Ferdinand versus Granada (1000-1492)

Both articles were written by Paula Stiles, a frequent contributor to the blog.


Urraca of Castile and Spain

I found an article about Urraca of Castile and Leon on the Medieval History Blog. Urraca was a 12th century queen in Spain. Enjoy the article.
